Monday, May 6, 2013

Assessment of Defect and Integrity of Deteriorating Assets (ADINDA 1.0-Promitius)

ADINDA 1.0 (Assessment of Defect and Integrity of Deteriorating Assets) is a web-based software specially tailored to optimise the utilisation of in-line inspection data by predicting the failure probability of corroding oil and gas pipeline subject to internal and external defects. The current version of ADINDA 1.0 with code-name Promitius has been developed using a combination of DOT.NET Frame and C++ language as the main engine while the interface development is based on PHP and Visual Basic programming. The software is fully based on open source system and specially designed for web-based system. ADINDA 1.0-Promitius, a home-grown assessment tool, is equipped with powerful hybrid algorithm of deterministic-probabilistic based assessment techniques to evaluate the remaining life of corroding pipeline. The software capable of running seamlessly data sampling, feature-to-feature data matching, construction of histogram and probability distribution, goodness-of-fit test, integrity assessment based on ASME B31G and DNV RP-F101 code, and prediction of failure probability using Monte Carlo simulation. The unique features of ADINDA 1.0-Promitius are the inclusion of data correction techniques and the 1st ever soil-corrosion model, RESA model, of which locally designed and developed by this research project. The power law-based soil corrosion model enables the software to assess soil corrosivity according to soil content and soil engineering properties. The development of ADINDA 1.0-Promitius will give great benefit to pipeline operators in maintaining and improving the life of their pipeline assets.

Current Problem/Background
An initial review of structure integrity based on the operating history and the results of any past survey or inspections can potentially identify the likely problems and consequently the additional data that may needed to make a decision about the future of the structure. In order to achieve such optimization through full utilization of ILI data in structure maintenance scheme, the improvised of best practice assessment and prediction tools need to be developed. The availability of pigging data in vast amount is just the first piece of solution towards structure sustainable and effective inspection, repair and maintenance scheme (IRM). The challenge is how to build a system capable of collecting data and turn it into information in the context of managing structure integrity. Recognizing the value of numerous of pigging data in pipeline industry, an inherent understanding of how to fully utilize pigging data for the sake of structure integrity assessment has become a necessity. A systematic approach to automate the assessment process by the means of software specially tailored to assess corroding structure with great capability of data processing and sampling as well as deterministic and reliability assessment engine is hardly available in the industry since existing tools are rather not comprehensive . In general, a good number of the existing structure assessment methods are purely deterministic and lacking reliability element as well as data sampling tool, hence under utilises the inspection data for the estimation of the variation of corrosion growth rate. Moreover, the available assessment software for pipeline scarcely incorporates data analysis, structure integrity, risk-assessment and techno-economic evaluation under one comprehensive package.



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