Monday, May 6, 2013

Skeletal Maturity Measurement and Height Prediction using Computerized Bone Age Assessment

Bone age assessment (BAA) or bone maturity assessment is a clinical application used to evaluate the skeletal development especially in children and adolescents. Due to the inefficiency to describe maturation age using chronological age, the skeletal maturity or skeletal age is utilized as indicator for growth disorders as well as the predictor for final body height. This technique of measuring biological growth of human through evaluation of skeletal development is the only available indicator to date.The radiographs of left hand are often used as the skeletal to represent the biological maturity depending on features like development of ossification area and calcium position in the ossification area. We thus invent a computerized skeletal maturity measurement to measure the bone age and predict the height of children.

Current Problem/Background
Basically there are two major type of evaluation system are being used: the Greulich-Pyle  and Tanner-Whitehouse atlas (TW2). For the Greulich-Pyle method, the physicians compares the patient’s hand bone radiograph with the atlas and make the conclusion while the TW2 method is a point collection index system. However both conventional evaluation methods are carried out using visual inspection which is time-consuming and subjective depends on the physician knowledge background and perspective. Therefore, in recent years, numerous automated system of BAA has been developed especially for TW2 method which is more appropriate for computing purpose. However, the system still under the researching stage due to the insufficient stability of the system.


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