Monday, May 6, 2013

LIP MOIST with Omega-3

Lipstick is one of the decorative cosmetic products that command a unique market. Many advanced technologies had been used to manufacture modern lipsticks with vast functionality. In the last quarter of twentieth century, cosmetic industries exist with technology of their own. Every year, users were introduced with various new cosmetics products of the latest trend. Furthermore, the ingredients and basic materials used in cosmetic formulation become the most important criteria for consumers in choosing the cosmetic product, as their interest in health and safety awareness grew. The quality of lipstick is directly linked to the basic materials used in the formulation. Therefore the introduction of natural colour on lipstick formulation with the addition of omega-3 as the functional value in the lipstick product could enhance the quality and benefits of the lipstick purpose rather than the other common cosmetics.

Current Problem/Background
Some of the most popular lipsticks sold worldwide contain excessive amounts of lead. However, health authorities claim there is no health risk for consumers. This is because lead accumulates in human body over years of exposure. However, lead is especially dangerous to babies and fetuses. Moreover, lead and lead compounds, proven neurotoxins, are prohibited ingredients in cosmetics in Canada, but lead can contaminate the raw materials during the manufacturing process. Besides these, colour additives to synthetic pigments also contain lead. The consumer will not find lead in the ingredients list because lead is considered to be a contaminant in lipstick, and therefore it is not listed on labels. Lipstick can become contaminated with lead in two ways which are raw materials used in the lipstick may be contaminated with lead, or the pigments (paints) used in the lipstick contain lead. Thus, natural colours from plant extract are used to incorporate natural pigment and edible based material to produce a good quality lipstick. In this invention, the natural colours to be used are obtained from plants which are butterfly pea and roselle. These natural colours are chosen because they contain natural vitamins and minerals which can give good nutrient to lip compared to synthetic color. In addition, the omega-3 is added to enhance the quality by giving moisture to lip. The biosurfactant also applied in this invention to prepare the emulsion of oil based colour before the incorporation to the lipstick formulation.



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