Monday, May 6, 2013

MODEL SAYANGKU: An Islamic Psychological Intervention Programme to Cultivate Self-Awareness, Meaning of Life and Personal Identity


Model Sayangku is a model that was built as an effort to address the issue of youth involved in sexual activity before marriage. The model was developed based on the Islamic perspective by looking at the four main concepts of love which is Love God, Love Prophet, Love of One Self and Love the People. The four key concepts are blended by combining elements of akidah, ibadah, muamalah, muasyarah and akhlak to ensure that each participant has a desire to improve their faith and confidence in God and practice the Sunnah of the Prophet.

Current Problem/Background
Adolescence are assets of a country. On their shoulders lies the responsibility to lead the country. Adolescence involvement in anti-social activity including sexual deviance is a big problems to a country since this will hinder the development of the country’s future. Earlier research done by the researcher found the elements of nafs as a significant predictor of sexual misconduct. Therefore who were involved in such behaviors were mostly at the stage of nafs ammarah. This model was developed based on this finding, as such, emphasis is given to the development of the nafs based on the Islamic Perspectives.



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