Monday, May 6, 2013

Ozone Treatment System for Spawn Treatment of Mushroom Cultivation

One of the most important aspects on mushroom cultivation is represented by substrate disinfection. The yield can be compromised if the competitive microorganisms are not killed from the cellulosic materials. Ozone had been used as antimicrobial agent for the treatment, storage and processing of foods in gas and aqueous phases in direct contact with foods for years. Ozone sterilizing system is the efficient system for spawn treatment of mushroom cultivation. This project involves the ozone sterilizing system design, development, laboratory experiment and analysis of experiment data to validate the use of ozone in mushroom industry. The sterilizing chamber was specially designed in a fashion that mushroom substrate can be injected by ozone simultaneously. It is useful for commercial application for mushroom cultivation. It was evident that the ozone treatment technique provides less time consuming for the treatment process thus in long term is more cost effective. Thus, more mushroom substrate can be produced and at the same time the nutrient inside the substrate is increased due to the oxidation process with organic matter.

Current Problem/Background
Rapid rise in energy cost and long time consuming in sanitizing system are having a devastating effect on margins and operating rates of mushroom farms. This, in turn, is having dramatic impact on mushroom farms ability to fully service the needs of their customer. Energy produced from natural gas, diesel and electricity is essential to the mushroom production process. Every day, mushroom farms use large quantities of energy to sanitize the mushroom substrate and they need 6 to 10 hours to complete the sanitizing process and another 10 hours for cooling down before the mushroom¿s seeds can be planted in the plastic substrate. The conventional steam of sterilizing mushroom substrate can only produce about 800 substrates per day or 20,000 substrates per month (for oven steam size – 6¿x 4¿x 6¿). Mushroom growers are having devastating effects on margin, time consuming and operating costs. Steam disinfection is the most common technique to disinfect the mushroom substrate. However, the process will take longer time. The long time consuming in steam sterilizing system induced the idea to find another efficient sterilize agent for spawn treatment in term of time consuming.



  1. can i more info please or can someone make one for me thanks
